Drew graduated from the University of Maine, Orono in 2016 with a Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Ecology. During college Drew was a volunteer for the Maine Ruffed Grouse Project, a long term study looking at grouse survival, harvest rates and reproductive success.
In the spring of 2016 Drew was hired by Redstart as an invasive plant and forestry technician. With this introduction to the field of forestry, Drew has acquired a broad knowledge base in timber inventory, assessment and marking, and forest management plans. Drew shares involvement in project development, and serves as crew leader for ecological restoration projects involving stream loading, riparian forest buffers and a variety of other natural resource projects. Drew is a licensed commercial herbicide applicator in Vermont, and has completed the Game of Logging 1 & 2. Drew is currently seeking his Vermont Forestry License.
Drew is working on establishing a Christmas tree farm, and is an avid beekeeper. He enjoys hunting, outdoor recreation and sugaring. Drew currently lives in Plainfield, VT.